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Bug#3072: No more logs since cron.weekly rotation

>>>>> "G" == Guy Maor <maor@ece.utexas.edu> writes:

    G> The bug is in syslogd - the last line of the /etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd
    G> script reads "/etc/init.d/sysklogd reload".  Presumably this
    G> UNDOCUMENTED reload command has the same effect as sending a SIGHUP to
    G> syslogd.  Except it doesn't.

This is related to another bug reported (can't find the number right
now) in that start-stop-daemon cannot read the pid of syslogd from the
pid file. This manifests itself also during shutdown - the K-links for
syslogd fail to kill syslogd. Something seems to be wrong with the way
that syslogd writes its pid file.

BTW, a lot of scripts in /etc/init.d accept the reload options to make
them reread their configuration files. I don't know if the guidlines
mention this option, but IMHO this is the cleanest way to restart a

   Dr. Lukas Nellen                 | Email: lukas@teorica0.ifisicacu.unam.mx
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