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Re: Hardware advice: seeking echoes of running Linux-PC clusters

On Apr 29, 10:26am, Jean Orloff wrote:
} Most of these users do stupid non-demanding things like email, netscape, TeX
} and the like. So I think it would pay to move in the direction of cheap PC's
} which can handle those rather dumb actions locally, giving them enough memory
} (>~24Mb) to accomodate one extra Xterm on top of the local PC user. This would
} free the workstations for the more demanding computations at relatively little cost.
} Can any of you provide me some numbers/weapons for this uneven fight? (I'm a
} physicist, they're the informaticians...)

Maybe start by not saying them they're doing stupid/dumb things: no one
(well, nearly no one) likes to be called an idiot... And don't be so sure
TeX is not a demanding tool.


Yves Arrouye       |  arrouye@marin.fdn.fr | http://www-scope.imag.fr/~arrouye
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