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Re: Hardware advice: seeking echoes of running Linux-PC clusters

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Perens <bruce@pixar.com> writes:

    Bruce> You would need to keep a copy of a "prototype" root and
    Bruce> /var, so that when packages installed files you could tell
    Bruce> (using diff -r) if files in root and /var had changed, and
    Bruce> you could then replicate those files on the client systems
    Bruce> (using "dist", perhaps).

Thank you for the hints about running a system with a shared /usr. The
point I was trying to make is that there is no ready-made, easy tool
available for maintaining such a setup - the way that using
dselect+dpkg make it easy to maintain the installation on a single
machine. Here, some comercial UN*Xes provide more tools than the ones
I'm aware of in the public domain. Even though I can get put together
a flexible setup using PD tools, the initial effort required tends to
put off system administrators.

Having said so much, I am actually rather interested in exchanging
ideas on how to ease the maintenance of a cluster of Debian
machines. Having three machines to look after, I'm starting to think
about maintenance scripts...

   Dr. Lukas Nellen                 | Email: lukas@teorica0.ifisicacu.unam.mx
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