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Re: Hardware advice: seeking echoes of running Linux-PC clusters

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Early <sde1000@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk> writes:

    Stephen> An alternative is to make the PCs diskless (or nearly
    Stephen> diskless - /tmp and swap on local disk) workstations and

    Stephen> administration considerably easier, and avoid the chance
    Stephen> of individual systems getting messed up by user
    Stephen> stupidity.

>From the point of view of security, do you really need a diskless
system? If you set a bios password, set the bios to boot only from C
and make sure that a password is required to enter single user mode,
wouldn't that be just as secure? Or is there a loophole which I
missed (not having tried this type of setup)? 

And how do you administer you diskless clients? If you share /usr, how
do you upgrade the root file system of the clients? If I remember
correctly, the current version of dpkg doesn't support installing with
a read-only /usr. On the other hand, I have to admit that I don't know
what is the best way to upgrade a large number of machines with dpkg.
The problem I see is that some postinst scripts are intercative, so I
have to answer the same questions for each machine I want to
upgrade. For a large cluster, this can be somewhat tiring and time
consuming. I have been thinking of using an expect script as a
frontend to answer all the questions. But so far, nothing came out of

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