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Re: rusers core dumps

In article <[🔎] 199604250253.WAA12459@grog.ece.uc.edu> you write:
>On each version of linux (and Debian linux) I've run, rusers always
>seems to list a machine or two, and then core dump.  Anyone have a
>clue why this might be the case?

I've no idea: I think its already been reported as a bug, though.

>Maybe I'm the only person that has these problems - nvi core dumping
>when running over a remote link,

nvi dumps core if the terminal settings are incorrect. Make sure your
TERM environment variable is set to a valid terminal, and make sure
'stty -a' reports a non-zero number of rows and cols. If neccessary,
do "styy rows 80 cols 24" to set them manually.


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