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I am behind a firewall and wanting to use mirror to get a local copy of 
debian.  I have set mirror up with passive_ftp=1, but it still does not 
work.  I have traced the problem through the code and found that the 
error occurs in a routine called open_newport in lchat.pl as the 2nd port 
is being opened.  I think the error is 'bad file number' if I understand 
that $! in perl gives the errno.  I do not really know perl or socket 
programing, so I am at a loss.

Is anyone else using mirror from behind a firewall without SOCKS?  Does 
anyone have any suggestions?


Kenny Wickstrom           | gnu - a new generation in s/w devel/support
kenny@kennet.com          | Linux - a much improved Un*x clone
(847)740-4008             | Debian - a Linux distribution setting the
#include <std-disclaimer> |    standard for future distributions

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