Silly Question time.
I have installed debian 0.93R6 ( the current stable release )
Say I want to upgrade the kernel, ppp, and libc / gcc..
Where would one start I hear use the unstable tree.
They both look the same. ie stable and unstable.
Where would I say get the latest kernel 1.3.xx and install
[ Martin Rheumer - ]
[ System Operator for Mogwais Lair BBS (03) 9898 2205 Modem ]
[ System Administrator for Acepia - The Internet Connection ]
[ mrheumer@acepia.apana.org.au (03) 9883 9316 Pager ]
[ 0411 418 898 Mobile ]
[ "Wow, I just typed all this while looking at the TV I must have ]
[ been multi tasking, Better Yet I'm a Sysop" Published with Thanks ]
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