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Just installed the development system and kernel (1.3.66): without a
hitch... except that bit about libc5, etc.  And that's mostly just following 
dpkg's suggestions, until you find the 'bottom' package or two, and then it's 
all just compilations, etc.

(just thought a success story would be refreshing to the developers.
Good work guys! :)

So you think you know the real meaning of fear?       |
Yeah, you think you do know, but I doubt it.          |  kmb203@psu.edu
When you sit in a shelter with bombs falling all over.|  running Debian
And the houses around you are burning like torches.   |  Linux v 1.3.66
I agree that you experience horror and fright         |  (development)
For such moments are dreadful, for as long as they last,
But the all-clear sounds--then it's okay--          |  -- Ilya Selvinskiy
You take a deep breath, the stress has passed by.   | (Taken from "The Sum
But real fear is a stone deep down in your chest.   |   of All Fears" by
You hear me?  A stone.  That's what it is, no more. | Tom Clancy pg. 182.)

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