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Re: Help: script for configuring ethernet

   I have just installed an ethernet card. I am looking for the script
   that help setting up all the addresses (IP address, netmak, gateway..)

   I remember using that script some time ago, but then I only setup
   local loopback

Short answer: The main file is /etc/init.d/network.

Long answer:

Remember that all your postinstall scripts are in /var/lib/dpkg/info.
But, on many systems (including Debian), you will be changing the
following files, or similar files:

  /etc/gateways: File listing your default gateways.
		[Hey, what uses this file?]
		Debian has the format in comments.
  /etc/hostname: Your hostname, without a domain.  Used during bootup
		by hostname(1).
  /etc/hosts:	Hosts you want to recognize automatically.  You should
		be sure to include yourself, loopback (, and
		I will normally put my DNS server and gateway in
		there.  It is ill-advised to put more than that in
		because if they change, you'll be left with an old IP
		address.  The format is as follows: one IP per line,
		followed by whitespace, followed by the name of the
		server, then a whitespace-separated list of aliases.
		Mine looks like:			localhost		loopback			detlev.webstar.net	detlev			dns.webstar.net		dns			nkn-webstar.nkn.net	nkn

  /etc/inetd.conf: This should be set up right.  Just make sure.
  /etc/mailname: Your fully-qualified hostname, such as
  /etc/networks: A list o' networks you will typically use and don't
		want to have to look up.  It's like hosts.  Normally
		you don't need this.
  /etc/protocols: Just make sure it's set up right.
  /etc/resolv.conf: This is a biggie.  You need your domain, the
		search order of domains above you, and your DNS
		server(s), as provided by your network admin.  For

domain research.c3.com
search research.c3.com c3.com

  /etc/services: Just make sure it's set up right.
  /etc/init.d/network: This is the big one.  This may be in different
		places on different Unixes, but this is Debian.  You
		need to add the routing tables and whatnot for your
		system.  Here's mine:

#! /bin/sh
# network: establish the network connection.
# Based on Id: network,v 1.1 1995/02/19 20:29:29 imurdock Exp

# Configure the loopback device.

ifconfig lo
route add -net

# Configure the ethernet device.
# Note that this is currently configured to be networked to
# machines in the class C net of 192.168.13 (piqnet); not the class B 
# subnet set forth by the RFC.  This also allows me to use c3net (
# as I may need to in the future.

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add -net piqnet gw dev eth0
# Multicasting... Currently goes to the default.
# route add netmask dev eth0

# Note that there is no default route.  This is so that a
# default route can be added on demand by services that
# connect me to the Internet (eg PPP).

		Look in there for your information.  Your milage may
		vary, but this is the basic idea; see route(8) and
		ifconfig(8) for details.  In general, for each net
		device you need to do the following:

ifconfig <interface> <address> netmask <netmask> broadcast <broadcast>
route add -net <network> gw <gateway> metric <metric> netmask \
	<netmask> dev <interface>

		where <interface> is the name of the device, such as
		eth0 (note that Linux no longer has /dev/eth0 et al),
		<address> is the IP address to be used for that
		interface, and <metric>, <netmask>, <broadcast>, and
		<gateway> are as assigned by your net admin.  If
		you're not sure about them, then skip them (and the
		associated keyword!) as route and ifconfig are
		generally good about finding them out by default.

		Also, if you want to use a particular device (such as
		your ethernet card) as the default device (you
		probably do), then somewhere in the file add

route add default <interface>

Also, don't forget to enable networking in your kernel, and make sure
that netbase and netstd are installed.  If they aren't, they'll
configure everything for you.

You may also want to see the applicable HOWTOs.

General public question: Should I refine this into a general document
for publication?

-=<[Joel Ray "Piquan" Holveck]>=-

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