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kismet icin ornek bir config dosyasi gonderebilir misiniz?

kullanici olarak
Server options:  none
Client options:  none
Starting server...
Suid priv-dropping disabled.  This may not be secure.
FATAL:  Unable to set up pidfile /var/run//kismet_server.pid, unlink()
failed: Permission denied
Waiting for server to start before startuing UI...

(kullanici olarak calistiramiyor muyum, yoksa ayar meselesi mi?)

root olarak
Server options:  none
Client options:  none
Starting server...
Suid priv-dropping disabled.  This may not be secure.
No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.
Enabling channel hopping.
Enabling channel splitting.
NOTICE: Disabling channel hopping, no enabled sources are able to
change channel.
Source 0 (ciscosource): Enabling monitor mode for cisco source
interface wlan0 channel 6...
FATAL: Unable to open cisco control file
'/proc/driver/aironet/wlan0/Config' 2:Nosuch file or directory
Waiting for server to start before startuing UI...

bir de kismet icin veya baska bir sniffer icin tavsiye edebiceginiz
bir gui (ve bu gui'inin deb paketi) var mi acaba?

(kart ipw2200, sistem compaq x1000 serisi, tam olarak x1360us)

yardimlariniz icin tesekkurler.

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