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Re: Säkerhetsrapportering för Etch

Mats Erik Andersson wrote:
> Jag behöver hjälp med upplysningar om förfarandet
> när jag vill rapportera ett säkerhetsproblem för
> den förra utgåvan etch/oldstable. En pekning till
> rätt källa för upplysningar om tillvägagångssättet
> vore ytterst välkommet.

Från http://www.debian.org/security/faq

"Q: How can I reach the security team?

A: Security information can be sent to security@debian.org or
team@security.debian.org, both of which are read by the members of the
security team.

If desired, email can be encrypted with the Debian Security Contact key
(key ID 0x68B64E0D). For the PGP/GPG keys of individual team members,
please refer to the keyring.debian.org keyserver.

Q: I guess I found a security problem, what should I do?

A: If you learn about a security problem, either in one of your own
packages or in someone else's please always contact the security team. If
the Debian security team confirms the vulnerability and other vendors are
likely to be vulnerable as well, they usually contact other vendors as
well. If the vulnerability is not yet public they will try to coordinate
security advisories with the other vendors, so all major distributions are
in sync."


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