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Fwd: O: swedish -- The Swedish dictionary for ispell.


Vidarebefordrat brev:

Från: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net>
Datum: ti 4 dec 2007 00.51.21 GMT+01:00
Till: Bug#156532 <156532@bugs.debian.org>
Kopia: control@bugs.debian.org, Mikael Hedin <micce@debian.org>, Jeremiah Foster <jeremiah@jeremiahfoster.com>, Martin Stigge <martin@stigge.org >, andreas@debian.org, debian-l10n-swedish@lists.debian.org, ola@opalsys.net
Ämne: Re: O: swedish -- The Swedish dictionary for ispell.

severity 156532 serious


The "swedish" package has been orphaned for a very long time now (in
fact, it's one of the oldest orphaned packages in Debian). I'm going
through such packages, if see if they can be safely removed from Debian,
since noone seems to care about them.

You are receiving this mail because your name showed up somewhere in the history of the package, or because I think that you might be interested
for some reason.  Are you interested in adopting it? Do you know
potential adopters? If so, could you forward them this mail, Ccing the
BTS and me?

With no action from anyone, I'll request the removal of this package
from Debian after a month.

Thank you,
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

Mikael Hedin -- 070-589 15 33

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