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drivers oficiales nvidia kernel 2.6.9

buenas, acabo de bajarme de www.kernel.org esta version del kernel y he
probado a instalar los drivers oficiales de nvidia pero en la instalacion
me da un error, este es el .log que me deja:

cat /var/log/nvidia-installer.log
nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
creation time: Tue Nov 16 11:15:43 2004

option status:
  license pre-accepted    : true
  update                  : false
  force update            : false
  expert                  : false
  uninstall               : false
  driver info             : false
  no precompiled interface: true
  no ncurses color        : false
  query latest driver ver : false
  OpenGL header files     : false
  no questions            : false
  silent                  : false
  X install prefix        : /usr/X11R6
  OpenGL install prefix   : /usr
  Installer install prefix: /usr
  kernel source path      : (not specified)
  kernel install path     : (not specified)
  proc mount point        : /proc
  ui                      : (not specified)
  tmpdir                  : /tmp
  ftp site                : ftp://download.nvidia.com

Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface
-> License accepted by command line option.
-> Not probing for precompiled kernel interfaces.
-> Kernel source path: '/lib/modules/2.6.9/build'
-> Performing cc_version_check with CC="cc".
-> Performing rivafb check.
-> Performing rivafb module check.
WARNING: Your kernel was configured to include rivafb support as
         a loadable kernel module.

         The rivafb driver conflicts with the NVIDIA driver; the
         NVIDIA kernel module will still be built and installed,
         but be aware that the NVIDIA driver will not be able to
         function properly if the rivafb module is loaded!
-> Cleaning kernel module build directory.
   executing: 'cd ./usr/src/nv; make clean'...
   rm -f -f nv.o os-agp.o os-interface.o os-registry.o nv.o os-agp.o os-interfa
   ce.o os-registry.o nvidia.mod.o

a partir de aqui empieza a compilar con algunos warning pero ningun error


-> done.
-> Kernel module compilation complete.
ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'.  This is most likely
       because the kernel module was built using the wrong kernel source
       Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your
       kernel; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the
       'kernel-source' rpm installed.  If you know the correct kernel source
       files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with
       '--kernel-source-path' commandline option.
-> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':
   -1 Unknown symbol in module
ERROR: Installation has failed.  Please see the file
       '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details.  You may find suggestions
       on fixing installation problems in the README available on the Linux
       driver download page at www.nvidia.com.

siento haber puesto todo el tocho pero asi ya os aclarais algo mas, a ver
si alguien puede ayudarme, gracias

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