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Adjunto envio un fichero que encontré explicando el parche proftpd-tls.

Espero que sirva de ayuda,


Pedro Martinez Juliá
\  yoros@terra.es
)|    yoros@wanadoo.es
/        http://yoros.cjb.net
Socio HispaLinux #311
Usuario Linux #275438 - http://counter.li.org
GnuPG publi c information:  pub  1024D/74F1D3AC
Key fingerprint = 8431 7B47 D2B4 5A46 5F8E  534F 588B E285 74F1 D3AC
TLS patch for proftpd-1.2.0 together with OpenSSL >= 0.9.4, based on the
"draft-murray-auth-ftp-ssl-05.txt" IETF draft.
Copyright (c) 2000 Peter 'Luna' Runestig <peter@runestig.com>
The verify_crl() function by Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
This product includes cryptographic software written by
Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)

	$ tar xzf proftpd-1.2.0.tar.gz
	$ cd proftpd-1.2.0
	$ patch -p1 < ../proftpd-tls.current.patch

	Or just use the prepatched tarball.

	$ ./configure [--with-openssl-dir=DIR]
	$ make

	$ make install

By default, proftpd looks for a single configuration file as
/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf.  Copy sample-configurations/basic.conf to
/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf and modify to suit your needs.  More advanced
configuration examples are also included.

The proftpd server tries to use these TLS related files by default:
ftpd-rsa.pem		RSA certificate, may include private key
ftpd-rsa-key.pem	RSA private key
ftpd-dsa.pem		DSA certificate, may include private key
ftpd-dsa-key.pem	DSA private key
ftpd-crl.pem		Certificate Revokation List
ftpd-dhparam.pem	DH Parameters (a set of DH params is compiled in)

These files is searched for in the following directorys (in this order):
* Current working directory of the process.
* Specified by the `X509_get_default_cert_dir_env()` environment variable
  (usually $SSL_CERT_DIR).
* `X509_get_default_cert_dir()`, usually (openssl-dir)/certs.
* `X509_get_default_private_dir()`, usually (openssl-dir/private.

Default CRL directory for the proftpd server is (openssl-dir)/crl.

If you don't have any "proper" certificate files (signed by some CA), you might
create a self-signed one using the ``openssl'' command:
$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out ftpd-rsa.pem -keyout ftpd-rsa-key.pem
This creates a cert which is valid 365 days, you might want to adjust that.

X509 client authentication
Support for user authentication is possible through the custom function
int x509_to_user(X509 *peer_cert, char *userid, int len) in the file
src/x509_to_user.c, and by a .tlslogin file in the user's home directory.

o  tls_userid_from_client_cert() is called and returns a user id or NULL.
   tls_userid_from_client_cert() calls the site specific function

o  If the user name, set by the USER command, equals the user id mapped from the
   client cert, the user is logged right in.

o  If "USER" differ from the user id mapped from the client cert the function
   tls_is_user_valid() is called to check "USER"'s ~/.tlslogin file.
   That file, if it exist, contains one or more X509 certificates in PEM for-
   mat. If the client cert is present in the file, the user is logged right in.

o  If tls_userid_from_client_cert() can't map a user id from the client cert,
   tls_is_user_valid() is called to check "USER"'s  ~/.tlslogin file. If the
   client cert is present in the file, the user is logged right in.

Hash symlinks for certs: ln -s cert.pem `openssl x509 -hash -noout -in cert.pem`.0
Hash symlinks for CRLs:  ln -s crl.pem `openssl crl -hash -noout -in crl.pem`.r0

Default cipher list is "ALL:!EXP".

How to put together a  'cipher list string':
  Key Exchange Algorithms:
    "kRSA"      RSA key exchange
    "kDHr"      Diffie-Hellman key exchange (key from RSA cert)
    "kDHd"      Diffie-Hellman key exchange (key from DSA cert)
    "kEDH'      Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange (temporary key)

  Authentication Algorithm:
    "aNULL"     No authentication
    "aRSA"      RSA authentication
    "aDSS"      DSS authentication
    "aDH"       Diffie-Hellman authentication

  Cipher Encoding Algorithm:
    "eNULL"     No encodiing
    "DES"       DES encoding
    "3DES"      Triple DES encoding
    "RC4"       RC4 encoding
    "RC2"       RC2 encoding
    "IDEA"      IDEA encoding

  MAC Digest Algorithm:
    "MD5"       MD5 hash function
    "SHA1"      SHA1 hash function
    "SHA"       SHA hash function (should not be used)

    "ALL"       all ciphers
    "SSLv2"     all SSL version 2.0 ciphers (should not be used)
    "SSLv3"     all SSL version 3.0 ciphers
    "EXP"       all export ciphers (40-bit)
    "EXPORT56"  all export ciphers (56-bit)
    "LOW"       all low strength ciphers (no export)
    "MEDIUM"    all ciphers with 128-bit encryption
    "HIGH"      all ciphers using greater than 128-bit encryption
    "RSA"       all ciphers using RSA key exchange
    "DH"        all ciphers using Diffie-Hellman key exchange
    "EDH"       all ciphers using Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange
    "ADH"       all ciphers using Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchange
    "DSS"       all ciphers using DSS authentication
    "NULL"      all ciphers using no encryption

Each item in the list may include a prefix modifier:

    "+"         move cipher(s) to the current location in the list
    "-"         remove cipher(s) from the list (may be added again by
                a subsequent list entry)
    "!"         kill cipher from the list (it may not be added again
                by a subsequent list entry)

If no modifier is specified the entry is added to the list at the current 
position.  "+" may also be used to combine tags to specify entries such as 
"RSA+RC4" describes all ciphers that use both RSA and RC4.

For example, all available ciphers not including ADH key exchange:


All algorithms including ADH and export but excluding patented algorithms: 


The OpenSSL command 

  openssl ciphers -v <list of ciphers> 

may be used to list all of the ciphers and the order described by a specific
<list of ciphers>.

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Description: PGP signature

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