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Re: configuracion virtualhosting

No hace falta que cada VirtualHost tenga un IP diferente, eso es un
desperdicio de IP, no necesitan un alias por cada dominio...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fabian Arias" <dewback@vtr.net>
To: "Jose Manuel Perez" <josemanuel.perez@hispavista.com>
Cc: <debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: configuracion virtualhosting

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Jose Manuel Perez wrote:

> El Jue 18 Oct 2001 15:27, Nicolas Fillon escribió:
> > El Jue 18 Oct 2001 10:22, Eduardo Beltran escribió:
> Cada VirtualHost debe tener una IP "diferente".

ERROR, si no, para que se antepone la palabra "Virtual". ;-)

He manejado VirtualHost desde hace muuuuuu. Me atreveria a decir que es la
forma mas utilizada a traves del globo de hacer Hosting.

De la Documentacion de Apache:

   Using  name-based virtual hosts is quite easy, and superficially looks
   like  the  old  method.  The  notable  difference between IP-based and
   name-based virtual host configuration is the NameVirtualHost directive
   which  specifies  an  IP  address  that should be used as a target for
   name-based virtual hosts.

   For  example, suppose that both www.domain.tld and www.otherdomain.tld
   point  at  the  IP address Then you simply add to one of
   the  Apache  configuration  files (most likely httpd.conf or srm.conf)
   code similar to the following:


    ServerName www.domain.tld
    DocumentRoot /www/domain

    ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
    DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain

Bastante claro no?. La documentacion de Apache es completisima, los invito
a repasar y hacer la tarea ;-)

> Lógicamente, porque todos los VirtualHost tienen la misma IP.


 pub  1024D/0DD0F1CA 2001-09-19 Fabian A. Arias M. (dewback)
     Key fingerprint = B478 850E 6C8A C388 2B65  68E5 9604 A4FC 0DD0 F1CA
              Debian GNU/Linux Sid - Kernel 2.4.12-ac2 - ReiserFS

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