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Re: Tabla de ruteo

El archivo es /etc/network/interfaces 

Podés especificar aquí qué comandos querés que se ejecuten al momento de lavantar o bajar una interfaz. Para ello usá los métodos up y down como en el siguiente ejemplo:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
	up route add ???
	up route add ???
	up route add ???
	down route del ???
	down route del ???
	down route del ???

Aquí esta la explicación completa:

       There  are  currently three standard options available for
       all interfaces, regardless of address  family  or  method.
       These are:

       up command
              Run  command  after bringing the interface up. This
              option can be given multiple  times  for  a  single
              interface.  If so, the commands will be executed in
              order.  If one of the commands fails, none  of  the
              others  will  be  executed,  but the interface will
              remain configured. (You can ensure a command  never
              fails by suffixing "|| true".)

       pre-up command
              Run  command before bringing the interface up. This
              option can be given multiple  times  for  a  single
              interface.  If so, the commands will be executed in
              order.  If one of the commands fails, none  of  the
              others will be executed, and the interface will not
              be configured. (You  can  ensure  a  command  never
              fails by suffixing "|| true".)

       down command
              Run  command before taking the interface down. This
              option can be given multiple  times  for  a  single
              interface.  If so, the commands will be executed in
              order.  If one of the commands fails, none  of  the
              others will be executed, and the interface will not
              be deconfigured. (You can ensure  a  command  never
              fails by suffixing "|| true".)

       post-down command
              Run  command  after taking the interface down. This
              option can be given multiple  times  for  a  single
              interface.  If so, the commands will be executed in
              order.  If one of the commands fails, none  of  the
              others  will  be  executed,  but the interface will
              remain deconfigured.  (You  can  ensure  a  command
              never fails by suffixing "|| true".)

On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 01:07:58AM -0300, Maximiliano Alonzo wrote:
> Hola lista;
>     Cual es el archivo en que establezco la tabla de ruteo en Debian, en
> suse se que es el archivo /etc/route.conf ...
>     Pero en debian este archivo no lo encuentro. :-(
>     Gracias de antemano.
> Maximiliano Alonzo
> Debian Potato 2.2r2
> San José de Mayo - Uruguay
> -- 
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