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Re: Plugin Windows Media Player para o Iceweasel/Firefox

Em 16.05.2013, quinta, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro disse:

> Alguém sabe como colocar o vídeo dessa página
> http://www.ponte.com.br/ao-vivo para funcionar no Iceweasel.
> A página informa que é o Plugin do Windows Media Player, mas parece
> óbvio que o gênio do webdesign que fez essa página nunca ouviu falar
> que existe vida além do Windows.
> O Iceweasel não sabe dizer qual plugin usar... tenho instalado o
> gstreamer e o vlc (embora apareça apenas o vlc no about:plugins).
> - - - ·
> Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro
> http://pt.gravatar.com/marciovinicius

Não consegui. mas olhe só o que aparece rodando na linha de comando:

$ iceweasel http://www.ponte.com.br/ao-vivo
NPP_New called
gecko mediaplayer v1.0.6
Using player backend of ''
DBUS connection created
Listening to path /control/15160
ARG[0]: type = application/x-ms-wmp
ARG[1]: url = #
ARG[2]: name = mediaPlayer
ARG[3]: wmode = opaque
ARG[4]: uimode = full
ARG[5]: stretchtofit = 1
ARG[6]: autostart = 1
ARG[7]: height = 435
ARG[8]: width = 670
Window resized
Calling GetURLNotify with item = 0x7f462cc7f000 src = #
Window resized
Window resized
New Stream Requested - http://www.ponte.com.br/ao-vivo#
Entering destroy stream reason = 0 for http://www.ponte.com.br/ao-vivo#
Sending SetProgressText to connection 0x7f462fa148c0
in Destroy Stream
Entering list_parse_qt localsize = 13987
unable to find rmda
in /home/gunther/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeretmhgo
Entering list_parse_qt2 localsize = 13987 unable to find mmdr
in /home/gunther/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeretmhgo
Entering list_parse_asx localsize = 13987 Exiting list_parse_asx
Entering list_parse_qml localsize = 13987
Exiting list_parse_qml
Entering list_parse_ram localsize = 13987
Exiting list_parse_ram
Open /home/gunther/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeretmhgo
to connection 0x7f462fa148c0 item->hrefid = 0 item->src =
http://www.ponte.com.br/ao-vivo# Sending SetURL to connection
0x7f462fa148c0 URL Notify url = '#' reason = 0
NPP_New called
gecko mediaplayer v1.0.6
Using player backend of ''
DBUS connection created
Listening to path /control/61633
ARG[0]: type = application/x-ms-wmp
ARG[1]: url = mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive
ARG[2]: name = mediaPlayer
ARG[3]: uimode = full
ARG[4]: stretchtofit = 1
ARG[5]: autostart = 1
ARG[6]: height = 435
ARG[7]: width = 670
Window resized
Calling open_location with item = 0x7f462cca3000 src =
mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive in media state change with state =
0 Sending Open mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive to connection
0x7f462fa149d0 item->hrefid = 0 item->src =
mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive Sending SetProgressText to
connection 0x7f462fa149d0 Sending SetURL to connection 0x7f462fa149d0
Window resized
NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down


$ vlc mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive
VLC media player 2.0.6 Twoflower (revision 2.0.6-0-gbe9623c)
[0x9c4108] main libvlc: Executando o VLC com a interface padrão. Use
'cvlc' para usar o VLC sem interface. [0xeb3af8] main access error:
connection failed: Connection refused [0xeb3af8] access_mms access
error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xeb3af8] main access error:
connection failed: Connection refused [0xeb3af8] access_mms access
error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xeb3af8] access_mms access
error: cannot connect to server [0xeb3af8] access_mms access error:
error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [0x7fc570002c18] main input error: open
of `mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive' failed [0xf20678] main access
error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xf20678] access_mms
access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xf20678] main access
error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xf20678] access_mms
access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xf20678] access_mms
access error: cannot connect to server [0xf20678] access_mms access
error: error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [0x7fc570004028] main input error:
open of `mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive' failed [0xff4018] main
access error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xff4018]
access_mms access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xff4018]
main access error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xff4018]
access_mms access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xff4018]
access_mms access error: cannot connect to server [0xff4018] access_mms
access error: error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [0x7fc5700028d8] main input
error: open of `mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive' failed [0xf5cb28]
main access error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xf5cb28]
access_mms access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xf5cb28]
main access error: connection failed: Connection refused [0xf5cb28]
access_mms access error: failed to open a connection (tcp) [0xf5cb28]
access_mms access error: cannot connect to server [0xf5cb28] access_mms
access error: error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [0x7fc570013a88] main input
error: open of `mms://cameras.ponte.com.br/pontelive' failed





"Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos." Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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