Lista Para barrar e-mails que não sejam em portugues coloquei a seguinte regra no arquivo .spamassassin/user_prefs ok_languages pt en ok_languages xx [ yy zz ... ] (default: all) Which languages are considered OK to receive mail in. SpamAssassin will try to detect the language used in the message text. Note that the language cannot always be recognized reliably. In that case, no points will be assigned. The rule UNDESIRED_LANGUAGE_BODY is triggered based on how this is set. The following languages are recognized. In your configuration, you must use the language specifier located in the first column, not the English name for the language. You may also specify all if your language is not listed, or if you want to allow any language. The default setting is all. O problema é que mesmo com a regra acima tenho recebido e-mails cuja lingua não portugues e nem inglês. Alguém saberia me dizer o que estou fazendo de errado? Obrigado. -- .''`. Caio Abreu Ferreira : :' : `. `'` Debian User `-
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