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Re: Source.list

Já estou aproveitando o Lenny como desktop pessoal e coloquei em um dos servidores de produção. No servidor de produção é loucura eu sei mas veja o contéudo de: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/02/msg00002.html . Vou reproduzir somente a parte que interessa ela diz que o Lenny já está com algumas partes em congeladas. Como a data prevista do lançamento é setembro resolvi testar e aprender o que há de novo. Logo é questão de escolha pessoal. Por enquanto não me arrebenti. Boa sorte e até

"Release schedule
As we are progressing in our release preparations; we have reviewed
the original schedule for lenny to check for any imminent problems, and
at the moment are quite content with the current state. We are, as always,
concerned about the large number of release critical issues still unfixed
in testing, so please help do something about it (see below for ideas :P)

Now on to the actual, not much revised, schedule:

Early March 2008
 Very soft freeze
   Please start thinking about the release when uploading new major
   upstream versions. Only upload to unstable if you are sure that
   the software will be stable before we release. If you are not
   convinced, use experimental as staging area.

 Freeze of release goal list
   We will announce the final list of release goals and report about
   the progress made in each area. At this point, goals which look
   too hard to complete for lenny will be removed from the list (and
   automatically put on the list for lenny+1)

 Start of the second BSP marathon for Lenny
   See below for more information about this, but you can and should
   help with it.

Early April 2008
 Freeze of the essential toolchain

Mid of June 2008
 Freeze of the non-essential toolchain and all libraries
   The "non-essential toolchain" means things like debhelper, cdbs
   and a big chunk of other things usually needed to produce binary

Mid of July 2008
 Full freeze
   Please don't wait with uploads for the last day before the freeze,

September 2008
 Release lenny! "

PS: Debian e Slackware sua escolha pela estabilidade e segurança.
Alexandre Pereira Bühler
Linux User: 397546
Telefone: (41) 3039-5428

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