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Re: Debian Sarge + Xen

> Bom tem o wiki[1] da galera do xen-br da uma olhada lá.
> http://www.xenservers.net
> Herbert P Fortes Neto escreveu:
> >  Olá
> >
> >  Estou lendo esses dois tutoriais sobre o debian sarge + xen.
> > Alguém tem alguma observação a fazer sobre eles? Algo a 
> > acrescentar ?
> >
> > - http://www.debian-administration.org/
> > - http://www.eriberto.pro.br/xen/

 Obrigado por responder. Encontrei mais um aqui[0] e uma explicação
sobre a diferença entre  xen/vserver. Segue abaixo para quem tiver

Adv of Xen over VServer:
* Stronger isolation
* Stronger accounting
* Heterogeneous guests
* Live migration

Adv of VServer over Xen:
* Very simple to manipulate guest filesystems
* Maximal resource sharing
* Don't have to "preallocate" disk space and memory space
* Even lower performance penalty (though for many workloads it won't make
much / any difference)

Similar arguments apply to Solaris Zones and FreeBSD Jails (both of which are
similar to VServer) in functionality.

> What advantage does Vserver have compared to Xen ??? why should it make
> sense to use both?

Vserver makes it possible to share on-disk and in-memory the footprint
of a given program between separate contexts.
The kernel being shared, if you make your different contexts with
hardlinks "copies" of the files, you can have the same code of libc,
damemons, ... loaded only once in memory, only the "data" part of memory
allocated is charged for each virtual server.
So, you get virtual servers that are very efficient on memory and disk
On the other hand, you get less control on the allocation/limitation of
ressources used (memory, cpu, ...) and since you have all contexts
running in the same kernel a potential security hole ine the kernel
would be open to every of the virtual servers.

 Aonde[1] começou esse tópico

[0] - http://howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_xen3_debian
[1] - http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2005-08/msg00075.html


Linux user number 416100

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