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Re: DVDs do Debian EATCH

Então para CD eu concordo, mas estou falando do DVD, são 4.2 GBs.
Acho que só o DVD 1 é necessário!
Alguém poderia conformar?

2006/12/27, Renato S. Yamane <renatoyamane@mandic.com.br>:
Hash: SHA1

Em 26-12-2006 23:03, Diego Giovane Pasqualin escreveu:
> Pra instalar o debian ETCH vc só precisa do primeiro iso (seja de cd ou
> dvd).

Eu creio que não. Leia em:
<http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/errata >

"Incomplete installation of Desktop task from full CD
The full CD image is too small to contain all packages needed to install
the complete Desktop task. This means that if you only use the CD as a
source, only part of the Desktop task will be installed.
You can resolve this either during the installation by choosing to use a
network mirror as a source to install packages in addition to the CD
(not recommended if you don't have a decent internet connection), or
after you have rebooted into the installed system by using apt-cdrom to
load additional CDs and then selecting the Desktop task again in aptitude"

- --
Renato S. Yamane
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