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Re: Apache + Ntop

Em 21/11/06, Hugo Rebello<hugo.rebello@dhl.com> escreveu:

Sou usuário do RedHat/Fedora e estou com algumas dificuldades no Debian.

Alguém já instalou o Ntop através do apt-get no Debian ?

Cara eu instalei...

Eu não sei como configura-lo para trabalhar com o Apache.

Seguem informações extraídas da manpage:

       ntop offers an embedded web server to present the information
that has been so painstakingly gathered.  An exter nal HTTP server is
NOT required NOR supported.  The ntop web server is  embedded  into
the  application.   These parameters specify the port (and optionally
the address (i.e. interface)) of the ntop web server.

       For  example,  if  started  with -w 3000 (the default port),
the URL to access ntop is http://hostname:3000/.  If
       started with a full specification, e.g. -w,
ntop listens on only that address/port  combination.

       If -w is set to 0 the web server will not listen for http://

       -W operates similarly, but controls the port for the https://

       Some examples:

       ntop -w 3000 -W 0 (this is the default setting) HTTP requests
on port 3000 and no HTTPS.

       ntop -w 80 -W 443 Both HTTP and HTTPS have been enabled on
their most common ports.

       ntop -w 0 -W 443 HTTP disabled, HTTPS enabled on the common port.


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Guilherme Rocha
Linux Registered User:391180
Keep on hackin' in the free world!

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