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[Off] .Net no linux e GPL


um software que utilizamos aqui para gerenciamento de aulas é o moodle 
(http://www.moodle.org). O sistema é muito bom, tão bom que recentemente 
passou a ser patrocinado pela M$. Em conseguencia deste patrocínio, toda a 
base em PHP será migrada para .NET. 

Minhas questões são:

1) Qual a conseguencia disto para nós, usuário Linux? O suporte .NET é legal 
no linux?

2) Será que isto pode ocasionar um fork no moodle, de forma a se manter a 
versão PHP em desenvolvimento?

3) Será que é real a justificativa para a mudança? Ou somente financeira?

Vejam o texto:

Moodle -> Fóruns -> Moodle News -> Moodle.NET version due in April 2007
Moodle.NET version due in April 2007
por Martin Dougiamas - Saturday, 1 April 2006, 12:44 PM
Some big news!

After many requests from our users, and many discussions among the key Moodle
developers, we've decided that PHP no longer offers us the growth path we 
like, and so we'll be converting the entire code base to use the Microsoft®
.NET platform.

We believe this offers the best solution to drive business value and empower
our industry to harness the power of the connected workplace.

The conversion - sponsored by Microsoft® - is not easy, but we expect to have
the job completed by April 1st, 2007.  As part of the arrangement, we'll no
longer be supporting Moodle on anything but Microsoft® servers, but they are
very good so this shouldn't be a problem.

To the future!


It is the wisdom of crocodiles, that shed tears when they would devour.
		-- Francis Bacon
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