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Re: java no debian...

Eduardo Rocha Costa
> Olá, primeiro vc deve achar qual a classe principal, grep -r main *
> depois vc pode compilar o programa assim
> javac *
> e por ultimo
> java classe principal
> Abrácos
> On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 19:13:30 -0300 (EST)
> "Francisco Welington de Sousa Lima" <wel@ufpi.br> wrote:
   veja meu diretótio só tem 4 programas:
wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ ls

history.html  LJfluidApp.java  LJFluidApplet.java  LJfluid.java

fiz o que você disse , veja:
wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ grep -r main *
LJfluidApp.java:   public static void main (String[] args) {
LJFluidApplet.java:     public static void main(String[] args) {
apreceram duas . se eu fizer javac LJfluidApp.java ,veja o que acontece

wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ javac LJfluidApp.java

Found 48 semantic errors compiling "LJfluidApp.java":

     2. import org.opensourcephysics.controls.*;
*** Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath,
bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Jikes could not find package
"org.opensourcephysics.controls" in:

     3. import org.opensourcephysics.display.*;
*** Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath,
bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Jikes could not find package
"org.opensourcephysics.display" in:

    16. public class LJfluidApp extends AbstractAnimation {
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.AbstractAnimation"
was not found.

    17.    LJfluid lj;
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.LJfluid" was not

    18.    DrawingPanel drawingPanelLJ;
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.DrawingPanel" was
not found.

    19.    DrawingFrame drawingFrameLJ;
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.DrawingFrame" was
not found.

    20.    PlottingPanel plottingPanelTemperature;
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.PlottingPanel" was
not found.

    21.    PlottingPanel plottingPanelPressure;
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

    22.    PlottingPanel plottingPanelVelocityHistogram;
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

    23.    DrawingFrame drawingFrameTemperature;
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    24.    DrawingFrame drawingFramePressure;
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    25.    DrawingFrame drawingFrameVelocityHistogram;
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    26.    Dataset temperature= new Dataset();
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.Dataset" was not

    26.    Dataset temperature= new Dataset();
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

    27.    Dataset pressure= new Dataset();
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

    27.    Dataset pressure= new Dataset();
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

    40.       lj = new LJfluid();
*** Semantic Error: Type "LJfluid" was not found.

    41.       drawingPanelLJ = new DrawingPanel();
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingPanel" was not found.

    44.       drawingFrameLJ = new DrawingFrame(drawingPanelLJ);
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    46.       plottingPanelTemperature = new PlottingPanel("time", "T", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

    51.       drawingFrameTemperature = new
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    54.       plottingPanelPressure = new PlottingPanel("time",
"pressure", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

    59.       drawingFramePressure = new DrawingFrame(plottingPanelPressure);
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    62.       plottingPanelVelocityHistogram = new PlottingPanel("v_x",
"P(v_x)", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

    66.       drawingFrameVelocityHistogram = new
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

    71.       lj.N = control.getInt("N");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    72.       lj.initialKineticEnergy = control.getDouble("initial kinetic
energy per particle");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    73.       lj.Lx = control.getDouble("Lx");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    74.       lj.initialConfiguration = control.getString("initial
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    75.       lj.dt= control.getDouble("dt");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    76.       double tmax = control.getDouble("Maximum for temperature
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    77.       double pmax = control.getDouble("Maximum for pressure axis");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    89.       double tmax = control.getDouble("Maximum for temperature
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

    90.       double pmax = control.getDouble("Maximum for pressure axis");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   101.       double quenchRate = control.getDouble("Quench rate");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   117.       super.stopAnimation();
*** Semantic Error: No accessible method with signature "stopAnimation()"
was found in type "java.lang.Object".

   129.       control.setValue("N", 64);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   130.       control.setValue("Lx", 18.0);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   131.       control.setValue("initial kinetic energy per particle", 1.0);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   132.       control.setValue("dt", 0.01);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   133.       control.setValue("initial configuration", "crystal");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   134.       control.setValue("Maximum for temperature axis", 2.0);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   135.       control.setValue("Maximum for pressure axis", 2.0);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   136.       control.setValue("Quench rate", 1.0);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   141.       control.clearMessages();
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   147.       AnimationControl control = new AnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.AnimationControl"
was not found.

   147.       AnimationControl control = new AnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type "AnimationControl" was not found.

   149.       app.setControl(control);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible method with signature "setControl(??)"
was found in type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.LJfluidApp".


wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ javac

Found 8 semantic errors compiling "LJFluidApplet.java":

     2. import org.opensourcephysics.stp.applets.*;
*** Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath,
bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Jikes could not find package
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.applets" in:

     4. public class LJFluidApplet extends STPApplet {
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.STPApplet" was not

     6.                 LJfluidApp app = new LJfluidApp();
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.LJfluidApp" was not

     6.                 LJfluidApp app = new LJfluidApp();
*** Semantic Error: Type "LJfluidApp" was not found.

     7.         STPAnimationControl c = new STPAnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.STPAnimationControl" was not found.

     7.         STPAnimationControl c = new STPAnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type "STPAnimationControl" was not found.

    19.                 startAnimation(app, c);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible method with signature
"startAnimation(??, ??)" was found in type

    24.                 AppletHelper.run(applet);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "AppletHelper" was found in
type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.md.LJFluidApplet".
e agora, será que está faltando algum pacote?

>> Olá de novo,
>>  Estou tentando usar o java no debian sarge, mas não consigo compilar
>> o
>> programa em java vejam:
>> wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ ls
>> history.html  LJfluidApp.java  LJFluidApplet.java  LJfluid.java
>> wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$ java
>> LJfluid.java java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: LJfluid.java
>>    at java.lang.Class.forName (Class.java)
>>    at java.lang.Class.forName (Class.java:44)
>> wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/md$
>> alguem pode me dizer o que está faltando para fazer esta cois
>> funcionar. obrigado
>> F. W. S. Lima
>> Departamento de Física
>> Centro de Ciência da Natureza
>> Campus Petrônio Portela
>> Universidade Federal do Piauí
>> Teresina-Piauí-Brasil
>> wel@ufpi.br,wel@fisica.ufc.br, wel@sobral.org
> --
> Eduardo R Costa
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
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F. W. S. Lima
Departamento de Física
Centro de Ciência da Natureza
Campus Petrônio Portela
Universidade Federal do Piauí
wel@ufpi.br,wel@fisica.ufc.br, wel@sobral.org

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