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Re: Debian com logout sem razão...

Olá, pessoal

Desde há uns dias para cá, com qualquer window manager, o sistema faz
logout sem razão aparente, 1 ou mais vezes por dia e SEMPRE quando o pc tá
em repouso! Já removi as opções de poupança de energia, screensavers mas a
coisa continua... Isto é um debian sarge, que foi feito upgrade para
unstable, xorg, kde 3.4.2, etc...

Após mais um logout consegui apanhar este log no ficheiro session-errors:
OggS-SEEK: at 0 want 85496 got 76480 (diff-requested 85496)
OggS-SEEK: at 85696 want 520 got 0 (diff-requested -85176)
libao - OSS cannot set channels to 1 libao - OSS cannot set channels to 1
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kicker: sighandler called
ksmserver: Fatal IO error: client killed
kwin: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.
*** kdesktop got signal 1 (Exiting)
*** kdesktop got signal 15 (Exiting)
klauncher: Exiting on signal 15
klauncher: Fatal IO error: client killed
kicker: sighandler called
kicker: Fatal IO error: client killed
warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 12 object references alive.
- Arts::SampleStorage
- Arts::Synth_MULTI_ADD
- Arts::Synth_MULTI_ADD
- Arts::Synth_PLAY
- Arts::StereoVolumeControl
- Arts::StereoEffectStack
- Arts::Synth_BUS_DOWNLINK
- Arts::SoundServerV2
- Arts::Synth_BUS_UPLINK
- Arts::Synth_AMAN_PLAY
- Arts::AudioManagerClient
- Arts::MidiManager
warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 113 types alive.
kdesktop: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kicker: sighandler called
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.
KWrited - A Escutar no Dispositivo /dev/pts/0

Pode ser que vc ache alguma relação com o seu problema ou um caminho do
problema mesmo sendo outra versão da distro.


O primeiro erro reportado e da libao em seu email.

Um abraço,

Luiz Gonzaga da Mata.

Obrigado Gonzaga, mas aparentemente esse erro é na plataforma PPC e impede o funcionamento

de alguns programas de som...Entretanto recolhi um segundo log e o logout forçado é

ligeiramnte diferente:


pressure        : 0
  pressure_change : N/A
  sunrise         : N/A
  sunset          : N/A
Light Rain / Wind
Light Rain / Wind
Light Rain / Wind
Light Rain / Wind
Showers / Wind
Showers / Wind
Showers / Wind
Showers / Wind
Showers / Wind
Showers / Wind
Mostly Sunny / Wind
Mostly Sunny / Wind
{'2nite': '2nite', 'Wed': 'Wed', 'Sun': 'Sun', 'Fri': 'Fri', 'Tue': 'Tue', 'Mon': 'Mon', '2day': '2day', 'Thu': 'Thu', 'Sat': 'Sat'} {'Background Selector': 'Background Selector', 'Add Webcam Label': 'Add Webcam Label', 'Please select an iconset to use:': 'Please select an iconset to use:',No such application: 'kxdocker'
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.
*** kdesktop got signal 1 (Exiting)
*** kdesktop got signal 15 (Exiting)
kicker: sighandler called
kicker: sighandler called
klauncher: Exiting on signal 15
klauncher: Fatal IO error: client killed
kicker: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kicker: sighandler called
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kicker: sighandler called
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x081e9d70 ***
kicker: crashHandler called
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.
KWrited - A Escutar no Dispositivo /dev/pts/0
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.
kicker: sighandler called

A parte inicial refere-se a um tema do superkaramba sobre condiçoes metereologicas....

Neste já não ha referencias a oggs ou libaos...

Obrigado pessoal


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