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Re: [fora] Não consigo rodar o java

Nem eu , segui todos os passos e nada de funcionar.
wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/wanglandau$ ls
Thermodynamics.class  WangLandauApplet.java
Thermodynamics.java   WangLandau.java
wel@Julia:~/kip/physics/org/opensourcephysics/stp/wanglandau$ javac

Found 25 semantic errors compiling "WangLandau.java":

     2. import org.opensourcephysics.controls.*;
*** Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath,
bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Jikes could not find package
"org.opensourcephysics.controls" in:

     3. import org.opensourcephysics.display.*;
*** Semantic Error: You need to modify your classpath, sourcepath,
bootclasspath, and/or extdirs setup. Jikes could not find package
"org.opensourcephysics.display" in:

     9. public class WangLandau extends AbstractAnimation {
*** Semantic Error: Type
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.AbstractAnimation" was not found.

    10.    PlottingPanel histogramPanel, densityPanel, heatPanel;
*** Semantic Error: Type
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.PlottingPanel" was not found.

    11.    Dataset histogramData, densityData, heatData;
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.Dataset"
was notfound.

   103.       control.println("mcs = " + mcs);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   104.       control.println("iteration = " + iterations);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   128.          heatData.append(T, Thermodynamics.heatCapacity(N, g, 1/T));
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "Thermodynamics" was found
in type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.WangLandau".

   130.          heatData.append(T, Thermodynamics.heatCapacity(N, g, 1/T));
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "Thermodynamics" was found
in type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.WangLandau".

   139.       L = control.getInt("L");
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   149.       control.clearMessages();
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   154.       control.setValue("L", 16);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible field named "control" was found in type

   160.       densityPanel = new PlottingPanel("E", "ln g(E)", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

   161.       densityPanel.addDrawable(densityData = new
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

   164.       DrawingFrame frame = new DrawingFrame("Density of States",
*** Semantic Error: Type
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.DrawingFrame" was not found.

   164.       DrawingFrame frame = new DrawingFrame("Density of States",
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

   166.       histogramPanel = new PlottingPanel("E", "H(E)", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

   167.       histogramPanel.addDrawable(histogramData = new Dataset());
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

   170.       frame = new DrawingFrame("Histogram", histogramPanel);
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

   172.       heatPanel = new PlottingPanel("T", "C(T)", "");
*** Semantic Error: Type "PlottingPanel" was not found.

   173.       heatPanel.addDrawable(heatData = new Dataset(Color.black,
Color.red, true));
*** Semantic Error: Type "Dataset" was not found.

   179.       frame = new DrawingFrame("Heat Capacity", heatPanel);
*** Semantic Error: Type "DrawingFrame" was not found.

   185.       Control control = new AnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.Control"
was notfound.

   185.       Control control = new AnimationControl(app);
*** Semantic Error: Type
"org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.AnimationControl" was not found.

   186.       app.setControl(control);
*** Semantic Error: No accessible method with signature "setControl(??)"
was found in type "org.opensourcephysics.stp.wanglandau.WangLandau".
Savio Ramos
> Olá,
> Estou tentando usar um programa em java para abrir arquivos de audio do
> Monke's (arquivos .ape). O programa não roda apesar de ter o java
> instalado.
> O erro é o seguinte:
> $ java -jar entagged-tageditor-0.20.jar
> (.:14626): Gtk-WARNING **: Impossível localizar a ferramenta de temas no
> module_path: "clearlooks", Exception in thread "main"
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 100 is not a legal orientation at
> javax.swing.JProgressBar.JProgressBar(int, int, int)
> (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0) at
> entagged.tageditor.resources.SplashWindow.SplashWindow(java.net.URL)
> (Unknown Source) at
> entagged.tageditor.TagEditorFrameSplash.main(java.lang.String[])
> (Unknown Source) at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.call_main()
> (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0) at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run()
> (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
> Alguma luz?
> Grato.
> --
> Savio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
> Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
> Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux
> http://www.debian.org

F. W. S. Lima
Departamento de Física
Centro de Ciência da Natureza
Campus Petrônio Portela
Universidade Federal do Piauí
wel@ufpi.br,wel@fisica.ufc.br, wel@sobral.org

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