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Bom ou ruim para o Debian

Olá pessoal!

Gostaria de saber a sua opinião a respeito da DCCA.

Realmente não sei dizer se essa iniciativa será boa ou ruim para o Debian que nós conhecemos.

Eu resolví utilizar o Debian por dois motivos:

1) Repositório enorme

2) Devido ao contrto social e a estrutura da distro eu sabia que ela nunca seria vendida ou absorvida. vide (Conectiva+Mandrake, Had Hat, Suse)

Essa iniciativa me parece um fork. O que vcs acham?


   *"*On Tuesday, August 9, 2005, many of the major Debian-derivative
   GNU/Linux distros banded together to create the Debian Common Core
   Alliance. Essentially, the DCCA is a group of Debian heavy-weights
   who got tired of reinventing each others' efforts, and decided to
   implement the Linux Standards Base in a set of binary packages that
   will be common to their distros. The benefits are obvious.
   Applications designed to work on one distro will work on another.
   The Alliance members will save bunches of money on not duplicating
   each others' work. Customers of the DCCA members will have the
   option of getting support for DCC code from a broader array of
   vendors. And perhaps most importantly, it now becomes just that much
   harder for Steve Ballmer to whine about an absence of a "center of
   gravity" in GNU/Linux distros. *"*

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