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Fontes comuns em Linux


estava usando o OpenOffice aqui no gentoo e observei que nao estah 
instalada a Fonte 'Nimbus blablabla', que era a que eu uso no Debian  (por
achar que era a substituta da Times New Roman do windows).
Agora alguns documentos estao 'zoneados' pois ele mostra usando outra  fonte.

A pergunta eh: existe um sub-conjunto de fontes que eu posso assumir que 
existam na maioria das distribuicoes?


PS: Eu procurei no google e a unica coisa interessante que eu achei foi 
isso :-)

"... One of the topics that crops up from time to time is that of fonts.
It seems that fonts under Linux represent one of the great bugaboos of
working in the Linux environment. There's a mystique around fonts as
though something magical is happening, something that is better left
untouched for fear of angering the X gods. Even seasoned Linux users tread
lightly around this topic: Warning! Here be monsters.

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