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Não consigo recompilar o kernel (outra vez)


Agora tentei e não deu certo:

 make-kpkg --append-to-version "s-1" --initrd --us --uc kernel-image

Warning: The file include/linux/version.h exists
The contained UTS_VERSION string:
does not match expectations:
I'll try and recover
Warning: You are using the initrd option, that may not
work unless you have applied the initrd cramfs patch to
the kernel, or modified mkinitrd not to use cramfs by
default. The  cramfs initrd patch, is included in the
Debian supplied kernel sources, but is not present in
pristine kernel sources.
By default, I assume you know what you are doing, and I
apologize for being so annoying. Should I abort[Ny]?
/usr/bin/make -f debian/rules INCLUDE_KERNEL_MAKEFILE=yes conf_vars
make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.4'
debian/rules:1522: aviso: impondo comandos para o alvo `.config'
Makefile:397: aviso: ignorando comandos antigos para o alvo `.config'
debian/rules:1542: aviso: impondo comandos para o alvo `clean'
Makefile:786: aviso: ignorando comandos antigos para o alvo `clean'
debian/rules:2054: aviso: impondo comandos para o alvo `modules'
Makefile:678: aviso: ignorando comandos antigos para o alvo `modules'
Please ignore the warning about overriding and ignoring targets above.
These are harmless. They are only invoked in a part of the process
that tries to snarf variable values for the conf.vars file.
make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.4'
echo done >  stamp-configure
/usr/bin/make -f /usr/share/kernel-package/rules real_stamp_image
make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.4'
The changelog says we are creating 2.6.4, but I thought the version is 2.6.4s-1
make[1]: ** [real_stamp_image] Erro 1
make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.4'
make: ** [kernel-image-deb] Erro 2

Savio Martins Ramos Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não!  Use GNU/Linux
Debian-br #705     Unstable

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