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Problema com imagens gifs


estou tentando importar algumas imagens gif para o xfishtank, mas estou tendo 
o seguinte erro:

[ronaldo@debian xfishtank-2.1tp]$ giftofish/giftofish ../emperorfish1.gif 
../emperorfish2.gif fishmaps/emperorfish
Error:  (../emperorfish1.gif) has unknown format

O que pode estar acontecendo com o meu arquivo gif? Foi criado com o gimp.
It isn't easy being the parent of a six-year-old.  However, it's a pretty 
price to pay for having somebody around the house who understands computers.
|   // | \\   [*****************************][*******************]
|| ( õ   õ )  [Ronaldo Reis Júnior          ][PentiumIII-600     ]
|      V      [UFV/DBA-Entomologia          ][HD: 30 + 10 Gb     ]
||  /     \   [36571-000 Viçosa - MG        ][RAM: 128 Mb        ]
|  /(.''`.)\  [Fone: 31-3899-2532           ][Video: SiS620-8Mb  ]
||/(: :'  :)\ [chrysopa@insecta.ufv.br      ][Modem: Pctel-onboar]
|/ (`. `'` ) \[ICQ#: 5692561                ][Kernel: 2.4.18     ]
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