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Re: Crontab

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 08:54:52PM BST, "Paweł Lalewicz || i-pawelek@tlen.pl ||" wrote:
> Ktoś wie o co może chodzić? Z góry dzięki za pomoc.

Ech, sam powinienem zerknąć do manuala zanim wysłałem poprzednią
wiadomość. Cron, przynajmniej Vixie, nie jest aż tak "inteligentny":

Za man 5 crontab:

Note: The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields
day of month, and day of week. If both fields are restricted (i.e.,aren't  *),
the command will be run when either field matches the current time.
For example,
``30  4  1,15  *  5''  would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am
on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday. One can, however,
achieve the desired result by adding a test to the command
(see the last example in EXAMPLE CRON FILE below).


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