Re: Keychain.
On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 13:38 +0200, HaflingeR wrote:
> Witam.
> Korzystam z keychain i mam taki maly problemik:
> Jak sie loguje w trybie tekstowym na maszynke to wszystko dziala
> poprawnie ale jak uruchamiam w kde programik "konsole" to mam cos takiego:
> KeyChain 2.5.5;
> Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL
> * Warning: SSH_AUTH_SOCK in environment is invalid; ignoring it
> * Warning: GPG_AGENT_INFO in environment is invalid; ignoring it
> * Initializing /home/haflinger/.keychain/lap-sh file...
> * Initializing /home/haflinger/.keychain/lap-csh file...
> * Starting ssh-agent
> * Initializing /home/haflinger/.keychain/lap-sh-gpg file...
> * Initializing /home/haflinger/.keychain/lap-csh-gpg file...
> * Starting gpg-agent
> * Adding 1 ssh key(s)...
> ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/bin/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory
> * Error: Problem adding; giving up
2 linijki wyzej masz powód błędu.
Wojciech Ziniewicz |
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