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Re[2]: spamming? - reason DSS-HELO

Hello Marcin,

Thursday, January 22, 2004, 1:35:36 AM, you wrote:

M> ponizej full tekst jako wytlumaczenie. przyznam ze nie rozumiem.
M> prosze o pomoc, z gory dziekuje.

M> --
M> Pozdrawiam,
M> Marcin.

M> ================================================================================
M> http://spamblock.outblaze.com/cgi-bin/spamchk.cgi

M> Hello

M> Your IP has been blocked because it sent mail to us using a suspicious HELO
M> string.

M> HELO is an SMTP command with which one mailserver identifies itself to another.

M> Some spammers, in order to forge headers, issue forged HELOs like HELO
M> mail.com, HELO yahoo.com etc. However, actual mail from mail.com or yahoo.com
M> will not have such a HELO string - it comes with a quite different HELO.

M> If an IP sends us mail with suspect HELOs like this, it gets blocked till such
M> time as this is fixed.

wydaje mi sie ze wystarczy
telnet ich.serwer 25
<ich baner smtp
>helo tepy.block
>mail from:<spamer@yahoo.com>
zeby trafic na ich blockliste(nie sprawdzane)

M> Please have your mail systems admin resolve this issue and let me know when
M> this is resolved.

M> regards
M> postmaster
M> ================================================================================
M> telnet serwer.domena.pl 25
M> 220 serwer.domena.pl ESMTP server ready

M> banner sam zmienialem, ale to juz dawno.

baner to nie w ta strone, tzn nie dotyczy poczty wychodzacej

czy spod tego ip wychodza jacys uzytkownicy? jesli tak to moze ktory
zlapal win-rusa spamowacza..

Best regards,
 Marek                            mailto:mx0@wp.pl

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