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kein Desktop Manager mit neuem Kernel

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe heute von Buster auf Bullseye und - nach Reboot und kurzem Test - direkt weiter auf Bookworm ge-upgrade-t. Boote ich nun den neuen Kernel (6.1.0-5), bekomme ich keine Login-Maske vom Desktop Manager SDDM, sondern der Bildschirm ist schwarz. Ein Wechsel auf andere Konsolen, Strg-Alt-F1, F2 usw. oder auch Alt-Fx etc. funktioniert nicht. Strg-Alt-Entf funktioniert.

Mit dem _ganz_ alten Kernel (4.19.0-21) klappt alles, hier kommt die Login-Maske. (Und ich kann auch mit Strg-Alt-F2 auf die zweite Konsole wechseln.)

Auch ein kurzzeitiger Test mit LightDM zeigt das gleiche Verhalten: Mit altem Kernel startet dieser und zeigt die Login-Maske. Mit dem neuen Kernel bleibt der Bildschirm dunkel.

journalctl ist identisch zwischen altem und neuem Kernel (bis auf Timestamps und Prozess-IDs natürlich).

Und ich bin sehr ratlos mittlerweile.

Jemand 'ne Idee?

Danke & viele Grüße


Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Initializing...
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Starting...
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Logind interface found
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Adding new display on vt 7 ...
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Loading theme configuration from ""
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Display server starting...
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/{bbec282e-ff62-4cb1-bce8-4844d9ba3afc}"
Mär 08 18:19:51 system sddm[6768]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{bbec282e-ff62-4cb1-bce8-4844d9ba3afc} -backg>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Setting default cursor
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Running display setup script  "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Display server started.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Socket server starting...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Socket server started.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-theme/theme.conf"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Greeter starting...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-helper[7146]: [PAM] Starting...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-helper[7146]: [PAM] Authenticating...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-helper[7146]: [PAM] returning.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-helper[7146]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=122) by (uid=0)
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Created slice user-122.slice - User Slice of UID 122.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Starting user-runtime-dir@122.service - User Runtime Directory /run/user/122...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd-logind[2155]: New session 1 of user sddm.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Finished user-runtime-dir@122.service - User Runtime Directory /run/user/122.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Starting user@122.service - User Manager for UID 122...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=122) by (uid=0)
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd-xdg-autostart-generator[7162]: /etc/xdg/autostart/kmix_autostart.desktop: stat() failed, ignoring: No s>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd-xdg-autostart-generator[7162]: /etc/xdg/autostart/restore_kmix_volumes.desktop: stat() failed, ignoring>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd-xdg-autostart-generator[7162]: Exec binary 'synaptikscfg' does not exist: No such file or directory
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd-xdg-autostart-generator[7162]: /etc/xdg/autostart/synaptiks_init_config.desktop: not generating unit, e>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Queued start job for default target default.target.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Created slice app.slice - User Application Slice.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Created slice session.slice - User Core Session Slice.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: drkonqi-coredump-cleanup.timer - Cleanup lingering KCrash metadata was skipped because of an unm>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Reached target paths.target - Paths.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Reached target timers.target - Timers.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on dirmngr.socket - GnuPG network certificate management daemon.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on drkonqi-coredump-launcher.socket - Socket to launch DrKonqi for a systemd-coredump >
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gcr-ssh-agent.socket - GCR ssh-agent wrapper.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gnome-keyring-daemon.socket - GNOME Keyring daemon.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gpg-agent-browser.socket - GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (access f>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gpg-agent-extra.socket - GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gpg-agent-ssh.socket - GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation).
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on gpg-agent.socket - GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on pk-debconf-helper.socket - debconf communication socket.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Listening on pulseaudio.socket - Sound System.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Reached target sockets.target - Sockets.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Reached target basic.target - Basic System.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: drkonqi-coredump-cleanup.service - Cleanup lingering KCrash metadata was skipped because of an u>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Started user@122.service - User Manager for UID 122.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Starting pulseaudio.service - Sound Service...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[1]: Started session-1.scope - Session 1 of User sddm.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Greeter session started successfully
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: High-DPI autoscaling not Enabled
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/lightdm-xsession.desktop"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/twm.desktop"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-theme/theme.conf"
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Connected to the daemon.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm[6768]: Message received from greeter: Connect
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QFont::fromString: Invalid description '(empty)'
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Loading file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/debian-theme/Main.qml...
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                (Parent is QGuiApplication(0xffa3f750), parent's thread is QThread(0x56f06b00), current th>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system sddm-greeter[7164]: QObject::installEventFilter(): Cannot filter events for objects in a different thread.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system pulseaudio[7163]: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system pulseaudio[7163]: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus>
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Started pulseaudio.service - Sound Service.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Reached target default.target - Main User Target.
Mär 08 18:19:52 system systemd[7148]: Startup finished in 625ms.
Mär 08 18:19:53 system dbus-daemon[1734]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UPower' unit='upower.service'>
Mär 08 18:19:53 system systemd[1]: Starting upower.service - Daemon for power management...
Mär 08 18:19:53 system dbus-daemon[1734]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UPower'
Mär 08 18:19:53 system systemd[1]: Started upower.service - Daemon for power management.
Mär 08 18:19:53 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin
Mär 08 18:19:53 system sddm-greeter[7164]: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/components/VirtualKeyboard.qml:8:1: module "QtQuick.Vi>
Mär 08 18:19:53 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Adding view for "LVDS-1" QRect(0,0 1600x900)
Mär 08 18:19:53 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
Mär 08 18:19:53 system sddm-greeter[7164]: Message received from daemon: HostName

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