Re: Problem mit GFS Einrichtung
ich habe es selbst geordnet bekommen. Ich hab hierfür auf LVM
verzichtet. Für die Archive hier mein Vorgehen (Quelle:
# apt-get install gfs-tools gfs2-tools
# cat /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluster name="cluster" config_version="1">
<!-- post_join_delay: number of seconds the daemon will wait before
fencing any victims after a node joins the domain
post_fail_delay: number of seconds the daemon will wait before
fencing any victims after a domain member fails
clean_start : prevent any startup fencing the daemon might do.
It indicates that the daemon should assume all nodes
are in a clean state to start. -->
<fence_daemon clean_start="1" post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="3"/>
<clusternode name="xen1" votes="1" nodeid="1">
<!-- Handle fencing manually -->
<method name="human">
<device name="human" nodename="xen1"/>
<clusternode name="xen2" votes="1" nodeid="2">
<!-- Handle fencing manually -->
<method name="human">
<device name="human" nodename="xen2"/>
<!-- cman two nodes specification -->
<cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1"/>
<!-- Define manual fencing -->
<fencedevice name="human" agent="fence_manual"/>
# /etc/init.d/cman restart
# cman_tool nodes
Node Sts Inc Joined Name
1 M 8 2011-08-02 13:55:40 xen1
2 X 0 xen2
# mkfs.gfs2 -t cluster:gfs1 -p lock_dlm -j 2 /dev/drbd0
Device: /dev/drbd0
Blocksize: 4096
Device Size 14878,58 GB (3900330750 blocks)
Filesystem Size: 14878,58 GB (3900330749 blocks)
Journals: 2
Resource Groups: 9920
Locking Protocol: "lock_dlm"
Lock Table: "cluster:gfs1"
UUID: 15420622-F51A-0E94-9ABC-AD8D5A64D504
# mount -t gfs2 /dev/drbd0 /_vms
# df -h | grep drbd
/dev/drbd0 15T 260M 15T 1% /_vms
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