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Re: [OT] perlexpr : Rekursive Entfernung einzelner Zeichen aus Datei- und Ordnernamen mit find & rename

Hallo DIrk!

DIrk Wernien schrieb am Donnerstag, den 05. November 2009:

> Am Donnerstag, 5. November 2009 schrieb Christian Brabandt:
> > Sicher, dass da ein $ nach dem : stehen muß? Das würde doch nur
> > funktionieren, wenn der : das letzte Zeichen ist, oder? Ich würde mal
> > ein rename 'y/://' probieren. Aber ich kenne rename auch nicht und
> > rate jetzt nur.
> Raten hilft nicht weiter - warten (auf einen Perl-Spezialisten) ist wohl 
> besser   ;-)

Stimmt, also lesen wir mal die Doku (jetzt wird es aber fundiert ;)):

perldoc perlop und suchen nach y\/

|     Transliterates all occurrences of the characters found in the search
|     list with the corresponding character in the replacement list.  It
|     returns the number of characters replaced or deleted.  If no string is
|     specified via the =~ or !~ operator, the $_ string is transliterated.
|     (The string specified with =~ must be a scalar variable, an array
|     element, a hash element, or an assignment to one of those, i.e., an
|     lvalue.)
|     A character range may be specified with a hyphen, so "tr/A-J/0-9/" does
|     the same replacement as "tr/ACEGIBDFHJ/0246813579/".  For sed devotees,
|     "y" is provided as a synonym for "tr".  If the SEARCHLIST is delimited
|     by bracketing quotes, the REPLACEMENTLIST has its own pair of quotes,
|     which may or may not be bracketing quotes, e.g., "tr[A-Z][a-z]" or
|     "tr(+\-*/)/ABCD/".
|     Note that "tr" does not do regular expression character classes such as
|     "\d" or "[:lower:]".  The "tr" operator is not equivalent to the tr(1)
|     utility.  If you want to map strings between lower/upper cases, see "lc"
|     in perlfunc and "uc" in perlfunc, and in general consider using the "s"
|     operator if you need regular expressions.
|     Note also that the whole range idea is rather unportable between
|     character sets--and even within character sets they may cause results
|     you probably didn't expect.  A sound principle is to use only ranges
|     that begin from and end at either alphabets of equal case (a-e, A-E), or
|     digits (0-4).  Anything else is unsafe.  If in doubt, spell out the
|     character sets in full.
|     Options:
|        c   Complement the SEARCHLIST.
|        d   Delete found but unreplaced characters.
|        s   Squash duplicate replaced characters.
|     If the "/c" modifier is specified, the SEARCHLIST character set is
|     complemented.  If the "/d" modifier is specified, any characters
|     specified by SEARCHLIST not found in REPLACEMENTLIST are deleted.  (Note
|     that this is slightly more flexible than the behavior of some tr
|     programs, which delete anything they find in the SEARCHLIST, period.) If
|     the "/s" modifier is specified, sequences of characters that were
|     transliterated to the same character are squashed down to a single
|     instance of the character.

also probieren wir jetzt:
find ./ -name "*:*" -exec rename 'y/://d' '{}' \;

Eine Alternative dazu wäre wohl mmv:

while mmv '*:*' '#1#2'; do :; done

> Die Manpage erklärt auch nicht wirklich etwas:
> Das y oder das s am Beginn, wofür ist das gut?

y kommt wohl ursprünglich von sed, wo es dem tr-Befehl entspricht.
s wiederum steht für substitute.


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