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Re: Totalabsturz nach Uhrzeitverstellung

Christian Knorr schrieb:
Jetzt habe ich versucht das mit webmin über localhost einzustellen.
Da kommt "Unrecognized hwclock output format"
Die Konsole bringt:
# hwclock
select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out
# cat /dev/rtc
cat: /dev/rtc: Das Argument ist ungültig

Wo kann ich ansetzen?

cat /etc/timezone?

man tzconfig
       What timezone is correct for your system? It depends on the  geographi-
       cal  location  of  the machine.  Getting the correct location is impor-
       tant, but the system must also know how your  hardware  clock  is  set.
       Most  DOS  based PCs set their hardware clock on Local Time, while most
       UNIX systems set their hardware clock to UTC.

       The Debian GNU/Linux system gains its knowledge of  this  setting  from
       the file /etc/default/rcS.  This file contains either the line UTC=yes,
       which indicates that the hardware clock is set to UTC, or  it  contains
       the  line  UTC=no,  which  declares  the hardware clock is set to Local
       Time. If these setting are correct, and the hardware clock is truly set
       as indicated, then configuring the proper timezone for the machine will
       cause the proper date and time to be displayed. If these  are  not  set
       correctly,   the  the  reported  time  will  be  quite  incorrect.  See
       hwclock(8) for more details on this topic.

Bei mir steht da:
cat /etc/default/rcS

man hwclock

Leider weiss ich das nicht mehr genau (vor allem wo man die Optionen mit der Winter/Sommerzeit setzt ...)


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