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Re: ext3: freien Platz verfügbar machen

Am Mittwoch 24 Januar 2007 14:23 schrieb Matthias Haegele:
> Andre Bischof schrieb:
> ohne Gewähr:
> Empfehlung Swapspace: mindestens die Grösse des Arbeitsspeichers

Ich finde die Argumente vom Kernel-Guru Con Kolivas schon plausibel:

"How much swapspace should I allocate?

Unfortunately there is not much good documentation on swapspace that 
is meaningful on today's hardware. As the discrepancy between ram 
speed and hard drive speed becomes greater each year, the old rule of 
2*ramsize is just plain wrong. This was in the old days because the 
addr space was directly mapped into the first half of the double RAM 
sized swap, giving an easy translation formula; only the space >> RAM 
size was usuable as additional space.

Since most of your ram will be filled with cache, you don't need a 
huge swapspace, just enough to cope with transient periods of 

The size should actually depend on the speed of your hard drive. On 
current drives I recommend about 256MB of swapspace (no matter how 
much ram you have). You could double it for a striped raid0 array of 
swapspace. "

> hth
> MH


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