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Re: Squid als transparenter Proxy: Access Denied.

Hi Christoph,

>>>>Alles ausprobiert. Momentan sieht es so aus:
>>>>acl all src
>>>>http_access allow all

>>>debug_options ALL,1 33,2

Sorry, hier die cache.log
2005/11/02 15:30:05| The request GET
http://groups.google.de:80/grphp?hl=de&tab=ig&ie=UTF-8&q= is ALLOWED,
because it matched 'all'
2005/11/02 15:30:05| The request GET
http://groups.google.de:80/grphp?hl=de&tab=ig&ie=UTF-8&q= is ALLOWED,
because it matched 'all'
2005/11/02 15:30:05| WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:
GET /grphp?hl=de&tab=ig&ie=UTF-8&q= HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.4; Linux) KHTML/3.4.2
(like Gecko) (Debian package 4:3.4.2-4)
Referer: http://www.google.de/imghp?hl=de&tab=wi&ie=UTF-8&q=
Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
Accept-Language: de, en
Host: groups.google.de
Via: 1.1 localhost.localdomain:3128 (squid/2.5.STABLE10)
Cache-Control: max-age=259200
Connection: Close

2005/11/02 15:30:05| The reply for GET
http://groups.google.de/grphp?hl=de&tab=ig&ie=UTF-8&q= is ALLOWED,
because it matched 'all'
2005/11/02 15:30:06| The request GET
http://groups.google.de:80/favicon.ico is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all'
2005/11/02 15:30:06| The request GET
http://groups.google.de:80/favicon.ico is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all'
2005/11/02 15:30:06| WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for:
GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.4; Linux) KHTML/3.4.2
(like Gecko) (Debian package 4:3.4.2-4)
Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
Accept-Language: de, en
Host: groups.google.de
Via: 1.1 localhost.localdomain:3128 (squid/2.5.STABLE10)
Cache-Control: max-age=259200
Connection: Close

2005/11/02 15:30:06| The reply for GET
http://groups.google.de/favicon.ico is ALLOWED, because it matched 'all'

Zwei interessante Stellen sind da drin. Muss mal googeln.

Grüssle, Tobias

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