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Re: Mail von externer Domain

On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 15:20:26 +0200
Christian Schmidt <christian.schmidt@chemie.uni-hamburg.de> wrote:

> Hallo Florian,
> Florian Heinle, 29.08.2005 (d.m.y):
> > vielleicht wäre der befehl "tail" ja auch was für dich.
> Oder "less /var/log/mail.log" und die anschliessende Eingabe von "F".

Also ich nehme bei less immer ">" oder "<" um an Ende bzw Anfang zu
Da man aber in einem Log eher seltener editiert, würde ich bei solchen
Sachen immer tail nehmen anstand von vi. Falls du mehrere Logdateien
anschauen willst und eine GUI hast, versuch doch mal xlogmaster, das kann
sogar filtern und bei bestimmte nEinträgen macht es, wenn du willst, sogar

Mit freundlichem Gruss

Stefan Wenskat

After many months searching, the Young Man finally tracks down the
Ancient Master inside a cave atop a tall mountain in Tibet. "Master," he
sez, "If I study really hard, how long will it take me to achieve

The Old Master studies the Young Wannabe briefly and sez simply, "Ten

The Young Man replies, "No, no, you don't understand, I'll study really,
really hard, work my ass off, 24/7, crack of dawn, midnight oil, the
whole deal, you've never met anyone like me, I work so hard. It may take
other guys ten years, but not me."

The Old Master looks at the prospective pupil once again and sez,
"You're right, kid. You are different. In your case, twenty years."

After many months searching, the Young Man finally tracks down the Ancient Master inside a cave atop a tall mountain in Tibet. "Master," he sez, "If I study really hard, how long will it take me to achieve Enlightenment?"

The Old Master studies the Young Wannabe briefly and sez simply, "Ten years."

The Young Man replies, "No, no, you don't understand, I'll study really, really hard, work my ass off, 24/7, crack of dawn, midnight oil, the whole deal, you've never met anyone like me, I work so hard. It may take other guys ten years, but not me."

The Old Master looks at the prospective pupil once again and sez, "You're right, kid. You are different. In your case, twenty years."

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