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[OT] looking for a web developer in München


Sorry for the off-topic message and english language on this list.

We advise a french real-estate development company on all IT matters and
they have taken the debian road for all their servers and general

This company has a 30-person operation in München with real-estate
developments in various states of completion. They have an urgent need
to redevelop their website to better support sales of appartements and
houses, especially to attract wealthy buyers from Berlin and other major
German cities.

We are looking for a talented web developer/marketer located in München
that could handle that 2 month mission. The big boss from Paris will be
on site 21/22 and 28/29 of july to meet prospective candidates.

I just thought I'd let debian users get a headstart, if anyone is
interested or knows someone that could be.

Thanks in advance,

PS: please reply directly with a CV in text or PDF format,

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Twice. -- J. Michael Straczynski

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