Fwd: Imprimante HP Deskjet Plus 4120
PS :
Il me semble que mon imprimante HP a fonctionné sans installer de pilote particulier.
As-tu essayé d'utiliser ton imprimante (USB ou ethernet) ?
D'ailleurs, le site HP dit "hplib est installé la plupart du temps sur un système linux".
"Many Linux distributions are equipped with a pre-packaged version of HPLIP software, therefore, you may already have HPLIP installed on your system.
Even though HPLIP is already installed on your system, you may wish to upgrade to a newer version. Additionally, you may wish to have the latest version if you have a newer printer, a need for a new feature, or would like a bug fix that is contained in the newest version. If so, click HERE to find out how to auto-install HPLIP."
Mais laissons parler les experts de la liste en ce qui concerne l'impression...
----- Mail transféré -----
De: "roger tarani" <roger.tarani@free.fr>
À: "Liste Debian" <debian-user-french@lists.debian.org>
Envoyé: Vendredi 21 Juillet 2023 17:07:49
Objet: Re: Imprimante HP Deskjet Plus 4120
----- Mail original -----
De: "Norbert Ponce" <ponce.norbert@orange.fr>
À: "Liste Debian" <debian-user-french@lists.debian.org>
Envoyé: Vendredi 21 Juillet 2023 16:27:28
Objet: Imprimante HP Deskjet Plus 4120
Je n'arrive pas à installer l'imprimante HP Deskjet Plus 4120 sur un
ordinateur sous Bullseye
J'ai vérifié que les fichiers cups et hplib-data soient bien à jour.
Lorsque je tente l'installation, je ne trouve pas mon modèle dans la
liste fort longue des modèles HP.
J'ai récupéré depuis le site HP un fichier hplip-3.23.5.run qui doit
correspondre au modèle, mais je ne sais qu'en faire.
Je ne pratique pas l'anglais et n'ai pu décrypter ce qui était peut être
un mode d'emploi.
Si ça peut aider, j'ai suivi le chemin suivant:
Là on peut télécharger hplib 3.23.5 pour debian : https://sourceforge.net/projects/hplip/files/hplip/3.23.5/hplip-3.23.5.run/download?use_mirror=nchc
Puis vient la page la plus importante :
$ sh hplip-3.23.5.run
Tu sais déjà tout ça.
J'avais une HP8720 (supportée depuis HPLIP 3.16.5) connectée à une machine debian 11, avec un pilote HP opérationnel au quotidien.
Je crois me souvenir avoir installé le minimum et pas les "smart tools complémentaires".
J'ai tenté d'installer le dernier pilote 3.23.5 avec cette procédure sur cette machine.
Ça a échoué. Il manque des dépendances qui ne me manquent pas au quotidien.
Voir extrait des logs ci-dessous et logs en intégralité en annexe.
Following dependencies are not installed. HPLIP will not work if all REQUIRED dependencies are not installed and some of the HPLIP features will not work if OPTIONAL dependencies are not installed.
Package-Name Component Required/Optional
libtool base REQUIRED
cups-devel base REQUIRED
cups-image base REQUIRED
libusb base REQUIRED
sane-devel scan REQUIRED
libavahi-dev scan REQUIRED
xsane scan OPTIONAL
avahi-utils network OPTIONAL
python3-notify2 gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5-dbus gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5 gui_qt5 REQUIRED
Do you want to install these missing dependencies (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool-bin"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y cups"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
note: Please check for more information at http://hplipopensource.com/node/369
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? q
Une piste éventuelle ?
Added support for the following new Printers:
HP Deskjet f4210 All-in-one (DJGenericVIP)
Vois-tu DJGenericVIP dans la longue liste qui t'est proposée ?...
Arrives-tu à intaler les dépendances ?
========== LOGS =============
$ sh ~/Downloads/hplip-3.23.5.run
Creating directory hplip-3.23.5
Verifying archive integrity... 100% All good.
Uncompressing HPLIP 3.23.5 Self Extracting Archive 100%
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.23.5)
HPLIP Installer ver. 5.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
Installer log saved in: hplip-install_Fri-21-Jul-2023_16:53:26.log
note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press <enter> to accept the default.
Automatic mode will install the full HPLIP solution with the most common options.
Custom mode allows you to choose installation options to fit specific requirements.
Please choose the installation mode (a=automatic*, c=custom, q=quit) :
This installer will install HPLIP version 3.23.5 on your computer.
Please close any running package management systems now (YaST, Adept, Synaptic, Up2date, etc).
Distro appears to be Debian 11.
Is "Debian 11" your correct distro/OS and version (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Initializing. Please wait...
Please enter the sudoer (lm)'s password:
NOTE: Disable the CD Sources in your apt sources.list or the install will fail and hang.
Please read the installation notes. Press <enter> to continue or 'q' to quit:
AppArmor is installed.
AppArmor protects the application from external intrusion attempts making the application secure
Would you like to have this installer install the hplip specific policy/profile (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
su -c "apt-get remove libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio printer-driver-postscript-hp"
warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "apt-get remove libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio printer-driver-postscript-hp"'
su -c "apt-get remove libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio printer-driver-postscript-hp" ( hp_libs_remove step 1)
Following dependencies are not installed. HPLIP will not work if all REQUIRED dependencies are not installed and some of the HPLIP features will not work if OPTIONAL dependencies are not installed.
Package-Name Component Required/Optional
libtool base REQUIRED
cups-devel base REQUIRED
cups-image base REQUIRED
libusb base REQUIRED
sane-devel scan REQUIRED
libavahi-dev scan REQUIRED
xsane scan OPTIONAL
avahi-utils network OPTIONAL
python3-notify2 gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5-dbus gui_qt5 OPTIONAL
python3-pyqt5 gui_qt5 REQUIRED
Do you want to install these missing dependencies (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libtool (libtool - Library building support services)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: cups-devel (CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: cups-image (CUPS image - CUPS image development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libusb (libusb - USB library)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: python3-pyqt5 (PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: sane-devel (SANE - Scanning library development files)
warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libavahi-dev (libavahi-dev)
note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option 'network': avahi-utils (avahi-utils)
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option 'gui_qt5': python3-notify2 (Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications)
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option 'gui_qt5': python3-pyqt5-dbus (PyQt 5 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt5)
warning: Missing OPTIONAL dependency for option 'scan': xsane (xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE)
Network connection present.
warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "dpkg --configure -a"'
su -c "dpkg --configure -a" (Pre-depend step 1)
warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "apt-get install -f"'
su -c "apt-get install -f" (Pre-depend step 2)
warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "apt-get update"'
su -c "apt-get update" (Pre-depend step 3)
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #1...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #2...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #3...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
note: Please check for more information at http://hplipopensource.com/node/369
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? n
warning: Some HPLIP functionality might not function due to missing package(s).
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool-bin"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #1...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool-bin"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #2...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool-bin"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #3...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y libtool-bin"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
note: Please check for more information at http://hplipopensource.com/node/369
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? n
warning: Some HPLIP functionality might not function due to missing package(s).
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y cups"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #1...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y cups"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #2...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y cups"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Command failed. Re-try #3...
Running 'su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y cups"'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 1
note: Some packages may not get installed on python3 due to distro incompatibilites
note: Please check for more information at http://hplipopensource.com/node/369
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? q
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