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Re: nftables ipsec


que retourne la commande

?????? lsmod | grep '^nf'

Il semble, que lorsque les module nft ne sont pas charge, l'utilisation de nft retourne l'erreur 'Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory'

Le 19/10/2019 ?? 19:03, r.gabet@biche.org a ??crit??:


Je rencontre un probl??me pour utiliser les expressions "ipsec" avec nftables.


ipsec {in | out} [ spnum NUM ]  {reqid | spi}
ipsec {in | out} [ spnum NUM ]  {ip | ip6} {saddr | daddr}

An ipsec _expression_ refers to ipsec data associated with a packet.

The in or out keyword needs to be used to specify if the _expression_ should examine inbound or outbound policies. The in keyword can be used in the prerouting, input and forward hooks. The out keyword applies to forward, output and postrouting hooks. The optional keyword spnum can be used to match a specific state in a chain, it defaults to 0.

Table??34.??Ipsec _expression_ types

Keyword Description Type
reqid Request ID integer (32 bit)
spi Security Parameter Index integer (32 bit)
saddr Source address of the tunnel ipv4_addr/ipv6_addr
daddr Destination address of the tunnel ipv4_addr/ipv6_addr

J'utilise le noyau : linux-image-5.2.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 (5.2.17-1~bpo10+1)?? avec nftables (0.9.2-1~bpo10+1),?? qui utilise libnftnl11 (1.1.4-1~bpo10+1).

A en croire ce post : https://serverfault.com/questions/971735/how-to-match-reqid-in-nftables, toutes les conditions ont l'air r??unies.

Pourtant, nft revoit l'erreur : "Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory", comme si la fonction n'??tait pas impl??ment??e.

Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une id??e ?


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