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	j'ai fait la synthèse de 3 fichiers tidy.conf et maintenant
	je recherche un cobaye pour le mettre d'aplomb ...

	sources :



# tidy - validate, correct, and pretty-print HTML files
# This file is the default tidy configuration file

# /etc/tidy.conf
# // Chris Harris
# // 24 June 2003
  add-xml-decl: no

# // character encoding options
#  char-encoding: utf8
  ascii-chars: no
  output-encoding: utf8

# clean: yes
  doctype: strict
  drop-font-tags: no
# drop-font-tags: yes
# drop-proprietary-attributes: yes
# enclose-block-text: yes
# enclose-text: yes
  error-file: errs.txt
# fix-backslash: no
# fix-uri: no
# force-output: yes
# hide-endtags: no
# // HTML tidy config file
# // HTML XHTML options
# indent-attributes: no
  indent: auto
# indent-spaces: 2
# indent: yes

# input-encoding: latin1
# literal-attributes: yes
# logical-emphasis: no
# markup: yes

# // misc

# newline: CRLF
  newline: LF
# numeric-entities: no
# numeric-entities: yes
  output-xhtml: yes
# // pretty print options
# quiet: yes
# quote-ampersand: yes
# quote-marks: yes
# quote-nbsp: yes
  repeated-attributes: keep-last
# see tidy manpage for config examples
# show-body-only: yes
# show-warnings: no
# tab-size: 8
# tidy-mark: no
# uppercase-tags: no
# wrap: 0
  wrap: 76
# wrap: 78
# wrap-attributes: no
# write-back: yes

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