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configuration avancée de fetchmail


en consultant les différentes documentations présentes
en ligne j'ai réussi à établir un fichier de
configuration complet en état de fonctionnement.

Néanmoins, j'ai eu droit à queleques erreur que
je n'ai pas du tout trouvé le moyen de corriger,
si ce n'est que de le mettre en commentaire

voici l'état actuel de mon fetchmailrc
(le reste est documenté )


# ~/.fetchmailrc
# run as daemon with poll interval (seconds)
set daemon 1800
#set chmod 0600
#set logfile= /var/log/fetchmail.log
#logfile= /var/log/fetchmail.log
set invisible
set showdots
# sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs
#  sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs/imap/
# sslcertpath  /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
        antispam 501 550 553 554 571
        batchlimit 100
#set postmaster "postmaster"
set postmaster "bernard"
set syslog
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties "v"
set idfile
set smtphost  xxxxxxxxxxx.mydomain.tld

# configuration pour procmail
#  mda  /usr/bin/procmail -Y -d %T
# mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f fetchmail"


# doc en ligne:
# URL:  <http://www.via.ecp.fr/~alexis/formation-linux/
# URL:  <http://www.mail.teaser.fr/aide-ssl.html#agent_mutt>
# URL:  <http://http://www.finix.eu.org/spip/article.php3?id_article=61>
# URL:  <http://lea-linux.org/software/gnus.html>  # pour une partie de la
configuration du fetchmailrc


ensuite les points intéressants contenus dans les
manpages ( man fetchmail ) :

Delivery Control Options

-Z <nnn> | --antispam <nnn[, nnn]...>
(Keyword: antispam) Specifies the list of numeric SMTP errors that
are to be interpreted as a spam-block response from the listener.
 A value of -1 disables this option, which is the default.
For the command-line option, the list values should be comma-separated.

Miscellaneous Options

-n | --norewrite
(Keyword: no rewrite) Normally, fetchmail edits RFC-822 address headers
 (To, From, Cc, Bcc, and Reply-To) in fetched mail so that any mail
IDs local to the server are expanded to full addresses
(@ and the mailserver hostname are appended).
This enables replies on the client to get addressed correctly
(otherwise your mailer might think they should be addressed to local
users on the client machine!). This option disables the rewrite.
(This option is provided to pacify people who are paranoid about having
an MTA edit mail headers and want to know they can prevent it,
but it is generally not a good idea to actually turn off rewrite.)
 When using ETRN or ODMR, the rewrite option is ineffective.

Cas particulier ( Serveur *µ$-exchange )

 If you are using IMAP, Microsoft's NTLM authentication
(used by Microsoft Exchange) is supported.
If you compile in the support, fetchmail will try to perform an NTLM
authentication (instead of sending over the password en clair)
whenever the server returns AUTH=NTLM in its capability response.
Specify a user option value that looks like `user@domain':
the part to the left of the @ will be passed as the username and the
part to the right as the NTLM domain.

Utilisation de IPsec & IPv6

 If you are using IPsec, the -T (--netsec) option can be used
to pass an IP security request to be used when outgoing IP connections
are initialized.
You can also do this using the `netsec' server option in the
.fetchmailrc file. In either case, the option value is a string
in the format accepted by the net_security_strtorequest() function of
the inet6_apps library.



autres fcts :

dns Enable  DNS lookup for multidrop
checkalias  Do comparison by IP address for multidrop
uidl -U     Force POP3 to use client-side UIDLs
tracepolls  Add poll tracing information to the Received header
netsec      Pass in IPsec security option request.
principal   Set Kerberos principal (only useful with imap and kerberos)
esmtpname   Set name for RFC2554 authentication to the ESMTP server.
esmtppassword  Set password for RFC2554 authentication to the ESMTP server.

bref comment pouvoir utiliser les instructions fort intéressantes prévues
dans les manpages.


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