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Re: gnomemeeting

> Ben déjà, il faudrait que tu regardes quels sont les ports utilisés par 
> gnomemeeting. C'est certainement indiqué sur le site;

Here is the list of ports that you need to allow and forward to your
internal computer: 

      * TCP port 1720, that port can be changed if you modify the
        "/apps/gnomemeeting/ports/listen_port" key using gconf-editor, 
      * TCP port range [30000-30010], that range of ports can be changed
        if you modify the "/apps/gnomemeeting/ports/tcp_port_range" key
        using gconf-editor, if you and the remote H.323 software calling
        you are both using H.245 Tunneling, then you don't need to allow
        and forward this range of ports. Netmeeting doesn't support
        H.245 Tunneling, so you always need to allow and forward this
        range of ports if you plan to call or be called by Netmeeting
      * UDP port range [5000-5003], that range of ports can be changed
        if you modify the "/apps/gnomemeeting/ports/rtp_port_range" key
        using gconf-editor. This port range is used for the RTP and RTCP
        channels for audio and video transmission/reception. This port
        range is mandatory. 
      * UDP port range [5010-5013], that range of ports can be changed
        if you modify the "/apps/gnomemeeting/ports/udp_port_range" key
        using gconf-editor. This port range is used when registering to
        a gatekeeper. You don't need to allow and forward those ports if
        you don't plan to register to a gatekeeper. 
Those ports are the ports that will be used locally by GnomeMeeting.
There can be incoming connections to those ports even if you are calling
the remote user yourself.

> $netstat -ntap

Connexions Internet actives (serveurs et établies)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale          Adresse distante       
Etat        PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *      LISTEN

Effectivement il emblerait que je ne puisse pas recevoir d'appel.

Donc il y a probablement des ports que je dois "autoriser"

Mais je fais ca comment?


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