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Re: plugin pour écouter des fichiers .ram

laurent.bakri@laposte.net a écrit :
Voilà ma question est à peu prés contenu dans le sujet je cherche de quoi lire les fichiers .ram sous linux (xmms, kafeine, mplayer ..... bref n'importe quoi tant que j'arrive à les lire ..........) svp donner moi le nom exact du plugins à installer si nécessaire
ps: je suis sur la liste alors .....

il doit bien y a voir là-dedans ton bonheur:
apt-cache search quicktime
gxine - the xine video player, GTK user interface
libquicktime-dev - Header files for developing applications with quicktime
libquicktime1 - A library for reading and writing Quicktime files
libvlc0-dev - development files for VLC
libxine-dev - the xine video player library, development packages
libxine1 - the xine video/media player library, binary files
mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for Mozilla based on VLC
quicktime-utils - quicktime utilities
quicktime-x11utils - quicktime utilities
vlc - multimedia player for all audio and video formats
vlc-plugin-alsa - ALSA audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-arts - aRts audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-esd - Esound audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-ggi - GGI video output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-glide - Glide video output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-sdl - SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
vlc-plugin-svgalib - SVGAlib video output plugin for VLC
wxvlc - wxWindows frontend for VLC
xawtv-plugin-qt - quicktime plugin for xawtv and motv
xine-ui - the xine video player, user interface
xmms-xmmplayer - XMMS plugin that uses MPlayer to play video files
xmovie - A nice player for uncompressed Quicktime, MPEG streams and more.
w32codecs - Divx codecs
libmjpegtools0 - MJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
libmjpegtools-dev - MJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
mjpegtools - MJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding

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