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Re: Probleme de configuration carte son

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 11:46:12PM +0200, Michel Luc wrote:
>  Ooops, cela veut dire qu'il faut d'abord recompiler le noyau avant de 
> pouvoir compiler alsa? Etonnant mais pouquoi pas ?
Tout à fait, à la sauce Debian, les drivers alsa se compilent en
/usr/src/linux # make-kpkg modules_image
Car ils requièrent un kernel tree avec la config du noyau.

Extrait de /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/INSTALL:
1) You must have full configured source for the Linux kernel which you
   want to use for the ALSA drivers. Note that ALSA drivers are part
   of the kernel, so there is necessary to resolve all symbol
   between the used kernel and ALSA driver code. Partly installed
   (for example from distributor makers) can be unuseable for
   this action.


<vb> $factor | ps auxw | grep bobot
<gally> gally    1846  0.0  7.3  4140 2300 ?    S   Aug03   2:16 bobot++
<vb> $factor | kill -9 1846
-*- SignOff: gally (EOF From client)

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