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Re: gravure

Le mer 23/10/2002 à 01:56, Emmanuel Lesouef a écrit :
> Gcombust, sachant que le programme qui gérera l'IDE (l'émulation
> ide-scsi) c'est cdrecord.

Tiens, d'ailleurs. A propose de cdrecord et des graveurs IDE, dans le
changelog de la dernière version on peut lire

Small change for Linux device initialization by request of Linus

The purpose of this change is to support a new SCSI transport interface
for ATAPI in Linux that came up with the latest developer Linux kernels
(e.g. Linux-2.5.43). This interface allows to send SCSI commands
directly to ATAPI drives without using ide-scsi and sg, but it has
several pitfalls.

While Linux allows to use DMA when using ide-scsi and sg if the sector
size is 2048 and the transfer buffer starts page aligned, the new direct
interface never uses DMA (acording to Linus Torvalds). So if you  write
audio CDs or data CDs in RAW mode, there is no difference. If you write
data CDs in TAO or DAO mode, using ide-scsi and sg allows much higher
write speed. Note that this may change in future....

Ca signifie que les utilisateurs de graveurs IDE (dont je ne fait pas
parti :) pourront utiliser leur matériel sans avoir à utiliser
l'émulation SCSI ?

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