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Re: [Debian] Sichere Dateisysteme

On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 07:42:41PM +0200, Matthias Berse wrote:

> ansonsten ist reiser aber nicht so gut wie xfs oder ext3, weil keine
> quotas unterstuezt werden (oder haben dies inzwischen?). Ausserdem meine
> ich mich an nfs+reiser Horrorstories zu entsinnen...


ReiserFS kann Quotas und kann auch NFS. das Problem ist/war, daß ReiserFS
so flexibel bezüglich der Struktur im Dateisystem ist und wird (siehe z.B.
mal http://www.namesys.com/v4.html), daß es haufenweise Bugs im VFS Layer
(und damit auch NFS) zutagegefördert hat, die bei alten flachen
inode-basierten FS (wie ext2, ext3, etc) gar nicht aufgefallen sind.

Aber um das zu relativieren: Ich fahre seit ca einem halben Jahr NFS +
ReiserFS und habe von den Problemen bisher noch nichts mitbekommen.

Und die Pläne für Reiser4 klingen wirklich interessant - endlich denkt mal
jemand über "Datei + Verzeichnis" hinaus, behält aber trotzdem die Semantik
bei, so daß kein Programm umdenken muss. Zum Beispiel:

Plugins: FS Programming For The Lazy

Have you ever tried to figure out just exactly what part of the /etc/passwd
file changed near the time of a break-in? Have you ever wished that you
could have a modification time on each field in it? Have you ever wished
the users could change part of it, such as the gecos field, themselves
(setuid utilities have been written to allow this, but this is a
pedagogical not a practical example), but not have the power to change it
for other users?


Suppose we create a plugin that aggregates all of the files in a directory
into a single stream. How does one handle writes to that aggregation that
change the length of the components of that aggregation?


Richard Stallman pointed out to me that if we separate the aggregated files
with delimiters, then emacs need not be changed at all to acquire an
effective interface for large numbers of small files accessed via an
aggregation plugin. If
/new_syntax_access_path/big_directory_of_small_files/.glued is a plugin
that aggregates every file in big_directory_of_small_files with a delimiter
separating every file within the aggregation, then one can simply type
emacs /new_syntax_access_path/big_directory_of_small_files/.glued, and the
filesystem has done all the work emacs needs to be effective at this. Not a
line of emacs needs to be changed.

One needs to be able to choose different delimiting syntax for different
aggregation plugins so that one can, for say the passwd file, aggregate
subdirectories into lines, and files within those subdirectories into colon
separate fields within the line. XML would benefit from yet other delimiter
construction rules. (We have been told by one XML company that ReiserFS is
higher performance than any other "database" for storing XML.)

Nein, ich arbeite da nicht. Ich finde die Ideen, die die Leute haben, bloss
verdammt interessant.

Jens Benecke ········ http://www.hitchhikers.de/ - Europas Mitfahrzentrale

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